Thursday, September 9, 2010

Power to Choose

Choice is one of the most powerful forces I can think of (after energy). This is the simplest concept that's the most overlooked. It's overlooked by parents, friends, relatives, teachers, managers, employees, neighbors, etc. Almost to the point of being ignored. Never by choice though.

Some of the hardest choices I made were the choices I didn't make. The choices I didn't realize I could have made. Think about it. You did the same thing. You also know someone who did the same (or did not that is). Every single step was determined by a choice catalyst from us.

Each of one of us has the power to choose anything we want in this life. You want something, it's yours if you want it. Such an idealistic concept some might say. I don't think so. I believe it to be more logical than anything else.

You made a choice when you decided to skip a day of work. You made a choice when you decided to study for that exam. You made a choice when you decided what career you wanted. All of everything you are now, or more like where you are now, are all the results of choices you made. In some cases, a choice of letting someone else make the choice for you. Regardless, all of the choices made aligned up the necessary steps to make your choice come to fruition.

The other day, my brother said we are destined with certain things meant for us. I sat there listening and my brain could not compute that thought process. I interrupted almost immediately as if I were attacking the poor guy, but I passionately disagreed.

Destiny is as proven as the earth is flat. It's a narrow perception until someone gets far enough to realize it's just not true. This is where choice comes in. You have the power to choose your destiny. It's not determined. If someone can prove otherwise, I'll be happy to listen.

Fate and destiny are the two most famous excuse words I can think of. Excuse of why you don't have something or why your life isn't where you want it to be. If you're using these words to this day, remove them from your vocabulary all together. Throw them out. Stop using these words as the ticket out of accountability. Not to others, but to yourself.

If you want a word, remember fault. It was always your choice to be happy. If you're not, it's your fault. Without going into writing an entire book, just contemplate the root of any complicated situation and where it began. The fault lies within the choice that was not made, leading to the domino affect. You may have never realized at that time you had the power to choose. Worse, you were never taught you did.

It's sad that you can trace back generations where this simple concept wasn't shared somewhere along the line. From my own personal experience, I can attest to how such a valuable lesson would have done wonders in my own life very early on.

Years from now when you are older and even wiser, you won't look at your life as a destiny, but a journey you took with the turns being the choices you made. Forget years from now, why not choose to do so now?

Choice is connected to our instinct. That gut feeling of doing what makes us happy or receive satisfaction.

Maybe it shouldn't be the power to choose, but rather the will to choose.

Well, it is your choice. Always has been. Always will be.

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