Tuesday, August 19, 2008

#1 on Yahoo!

If you have your own business online like I do, your search ranking is extremely important. There are many factors that are considered and now there are even professionals (SEO) that actually charge big money to provide you guidance in making sure your website gets ranked high. Unfortunetly, it's not something that can be easily done just by paying someone. Like I said there are many factors that contribute to how high you rank on any search engine. You can not pay for this as some may believe...Ranking is not the same as advertising. Ranking is all based on an algorithm and relevance.

Well, what got me to write about this is a phone call I just got a little while ago from one of my clients, and friend now, with some awesome news. She was on Yahoo.com and did a random search for "Pakistani Wedding Photography" on Yahoo... low and behold, my site came up #1 on Page 1!

For a site owner, this is the most awesome news you can possibly get! I couldn't believe it myself so I had try it out myself. I've been on page 1 for some time now under different search terms (Pakistani wedding photographer, etc), but this was the first time my site got kicked up all the way to #1 search result. I'm completely psyched about it and just wanted to share my happiness with everyone in hopes it inspires other dreamers.

For all those people that say 'be practical' and so on...Don't be afraid of following your dreams. Success has a funny way of overshadowing what some define as practicality. We all have a choice to set our own standards...low or high. For me, this is just one small milestone in a line of many. It might be a drop in the bucket for some....but hey...it's MY bucket and I'm happy.

If you have your own business and if there's anything you'd like to ask, drop me a line anytime. I'd love to answer any questions you might have.

Now, I've just got to move onto other mini goals. Have to keep on moving!


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