Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Yoga & Enlightenment Documentary

I'd love to try yoga one day, so this caught my eye. It questions spirituality and the pursuit of it through different means, yoga in this case. I like documentaries and the approach in this one looks interesting. The film is directed by Kate Churchill and follows a skeptical journalist named Nick Rosen. It releases on April 1, 2009, so check out the trailer in the meantime.

Irony is that I was in a yoga studio this past weekend and then came across this...hmmm.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Catching Up

I have been so bad! No blogging for could I do such a thing! Actually, I find myself busier on Facebook and Twitter more then ever. I love how quick and to the point it is...If you're not following me on Twitter or Facebook...what are you waiting for?? I'd love to hear from you!

Anyway, here's a short recap of what's been going on...About two weeks ago, I was at the WPPI convention in Las Vegas, which was awesome! If you're a portrait or a wedding photographer, you need to come next year and totally come hang out. Everyone had such a great time...So you're officially invited for 2010.

After coming back, I've been swamped with finishing up a few weddings...I think I've gone through over 12,000 photos in the last two weeks alone...burning the midnight oil! Things have been sooo crazy, my head is spinning. Such a blessing to be busy, but I might have to cut back back just a little on traveling for weddings this year...So much fun to go to different places, but it really can take a lot out of you sometimes. Who am I kidding? I love my clients and I have a hard time saying NO anyway! :)

Then for this weekend, I came down to my sister's in Richmond, VA to visit and attend a photographer's get together to meet up with some awesome friends and make some new ones as well. We talked shop, business, marketing, and even shot some high school seniors and a few brides. It was like a free workshop for everybody...Everyone had a great time and had so many great questions and insights. Afterwards, a bunch of us went out for some dinner and hung out while being a complete public nuisance with our crazy photographer antics. We're going to have another one next month in Maryland/DC area, so if you're interested, send me a message and I'll keep you in the loop.

Also, if you want to see all the awesome photos and even a video from the GTG (Get Together), make sure to add me on Facebook! Click HERE.

Okay, my nieces and nephew are waiting for me to play Guitar Hero (my new addiction btw!).